Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sadness inspite of hope.......

Our hearts are heavy as a team today as we heard of Horacio’s death this morning at devotions. Our team had been visiting him every day and I knew when I saw him yesterday that it wouldn’t be long. Horacio had developed sores on many of his bone due to the complete wasting of his tissue, and his pain was worsening by the day. Despite the families excellent care, lying on the dirty floor in his small hut, Horacio was becoming more and more weak. We were able to go yesterday afternoon to pray with the family, and as Shannon closed in prayer for Horacio and our hands touched his frail, broken body, we prayed that God would take him and end his suffering. His small child was lying sleeping beside her dad, just as many of the children that I love so dearly at home cling to their fathers, and I knew that for Horacio, the presence of his child was ministering to his heart much more than our pain meds. God does answer prayer, and despite the deep sadness that entered my heart when I heard the news, I am thankful that Horacio had heard about Jesus and how much He loved him. I believe that Horacio is in heaven today where there is no pain, no tears, and no suffering.
Our thoughts and prayers now go to his family. His older sister Graca, who has been a piller of strength caring for his brother and family. His young wife…who now joins the many widows known to this place. His other family members who will be mourning the loss of a son, brother, and friend. My thoughts go to his small child who is just starting out life at the age of 2 who will not have a father to cling to. That child will not have the strength and protection that a father can provide, and will grow without the relationship of a father that many of us take advantage of having. I think to my family at home and how much I love them and I imagine the extent of the grief that they must be feeling. I can’t imagine watching my brother die slowly from a disease that is completely preventable. I can’t imagine the feelings of hopelessness, anger, desperation, and fear that would enter my heart. What is even more tragic, is that all over Africa, and throughout our world, there are countless fathers, mothers, and children that are lying in a hut or in their home dying from a disease that could be stopped. My grief that I feel for this family is such a minuscule fraction of the grief that God must be feeling as He looks that the world that He created and sees the pain that has been caused. I know that God has not forgotten this place, I know that He loves every person so much, and I whole heartedly believe that one day…. This pain will all stop. We are blessed as Christian to have that hope to cling to in seemingly times of hopelessness. My heart is breaking today for those that don’t have that hope, and the fear that they must face. Please pray for the family of Horacio, and please pray for our team as we go today to offer our support and love. Thank you so much for your prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Your team is experiencing the very hard realities. Thank you for not keeping at arms length but entering in at the Saviour's level or interaction and commitment. It makes you more vulnerable, and is clearly going to be more painful, but these are real people and they deserve to be known in their times of difficulty as well as treated. I pray that you know His supporting presence in all things there. May he show you more signs of His pleasure and direct many to Himself through your loving care.
